Drakkenstrike Components Breakdown Video Review

Quote van de website; "

Drakkenstrike Videos has been providing high-quality board game presentations since we launched our  initial Components Breakdown Video Review Series in HD in August of 2010.  With each new video we strive to continue our passion for the industry by providing gamers, designers and publishers from all over the world with a visual entertainment service unlike any other in our field."

Opinionated Gamers.com

Here at the Opinionated Gamers, we’re passionate about games. We love to play them, we love to think about them and we love to write about them. Yes, we love our games. We’re not shy about giving our unbiased opinions, warts and all, so you’ll definitely know what we think about the games we write about here. Everyone involved with this project is doing so on a strictly volunteer basis.

The Dice Tower Video's

Videos from the Dice Tower podcast, reviews of games, top 100 list, and more! Tom Vasel loves games, and his kids join him for the fun!



Bordspelmania.eu heeft zich tot doel gesteld het betere bordspel in Nederland en Vlaanderen te promoten. Dit doen zij voornamelijk door een online informatieplatform mogelijk te maken: vóór bordspelliefhebbers, dóór bordspelliefhebbers!

Spel in Zicht

‘Spel in Zicht’ is een driemaandelijks magazine waarin je alle informatie krijgt over gezelschapsspellen in Nederland en Vlaanderen.